Monday, August 22, 2011

The Last Hour of Summer

The moon is rising, and the stars begin to show there brilliance as the final day of summer is coming to a close. I look and see the sun showing its last spark of light reflected on the clouds in hues of pink and orange. The last cicada creeps into its borough as the first grasshopper sings its tune. All this and more as I walk back to my home viewing it all in both sadness and delight. For tomorrow I wake to a new dawn where the days are spent in a cage of logic and nights on the clouds of dreams. So I look to this last hour of summer and remember the good times I had just two weeks before and on. I shall treasure them forever until the next summer when I go back to the nexus of my imagination.  By Nathan

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Roses and Sugar

When the roses grow, the petals bloom,
A whiff of sweet sugar flows.
Covering the field, they fall down and roll in the sugar of sweet aroma,
The wind taking the smell, of feeling all so fresh, afar.

As the sugar falls, it acts as a seed blooming into a rose,
With a glistening coat of sweet sugar, bringing a whiff of happiness.
As the roses grow, so do the petals.
When the wind blows the sweet; sugar flies to me, picking a rose for the one I love. By Kyle, 2010

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Shadow - Prologue

The night was long, but bright under the light of the moon. At the top of Mount Tiful, The Shadow was lurking, watching the calm lands of Astharia shiver in the cold, dark presence of The Shadow. The Shadow is foul, cloaked in darkness with a veil of hate and a heart as cold as space, and eyes that pierce the heart. The Shadow watches the lands of Astharia with a smirk on its hidden face knowing all that is well will soon fall to the domain of Shadow.
The Shadow hisses a few words from an ancient language then disappears. It reappears at the front gate of an Astharian village. The guards at their post become alert and change to an attack stance; all three of them did nothing. One of the two guards ran forward and ran his spear through The Shadow, but that was it. The guard tried to take it back but it was stuck. The Shadow raised one hand and snapped its dark fingers, and as he did so, the second guard collapsed, without a pulse. The first guard was still holding the spear when The Shadow spoke in an ancient tongue. Then suddenly the spear was turning black, and cold, and it started bubble. This curse traveled all the way to the guards hands. The guard screamed in pain and in terror and soon, his entire body was covered in a veil of darkness. He fell to the ground shaking then froze. The Shadow continued to walk forward right on top of the frozen and consumed body of the guard breaking him into chunks of black rock.
The village broke out in screams as The Shadow entered the village. The shadow climbed his way up to the highest point of the village and snapped his evil fingers. Then suddenly everyone stopped cold, and each and every villager began to turn black and sink to the ground where they became shadows.
The village and the rest of the kingdom of Astharia was lost to The Shadow and transformed into the domain of Shadow, on the world on men. No other person has seen one of the villagers shadow, only fast movement s of darkness across the wall; frightened, they ran off.
The Shadow was slowly spreading his darkness across the entire world. But the Shadow was growing weary and his powers were losing their strength. So out of shadow and darkness, evil and hate, The Shadow created a daughter, and later a son, to carry on his rein.
The Shadow had vanished as time continued, and its children took its place. When the children became older, they created children of their own but decided to give them the disguise of a human child to willingly spread The Shadow under the veil of humanity.  To Be Continued - By Kyle

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Challenge - The Unicycle

 One of the challenges I have had is learning to ride a unicycle. It looks easier then it seems but it is very hard to learn. The Lawrence family  taught me on their back porch. My biggest fear was falling and hurting my head or breaking a bone. I never broke any bones or hurt myself in any way. I learned in three weeks because they helped me every day because they wanted me to join their unicycling group. Today I am in a Unicycling group and we ride in parades and do performances. One of the parades we rode in was the National Cherry Blossom parade.  The Cherry Blossom was the most intimidating because thousands of people are watching and the TV reporters record you and put in on TV live. The roads are also really messed up and bumpy. We learn to different tricks like jumping rope, ramps, hula hoops, and one foot riding. I also was up to the challenge when they asked me to move up and go to a six foot unicycle called a giraffe.  I am better at riding the giraffe then riding the regular unicycle. After I learned to unicycle my little sister and two other neighbors learned how to ride. Now we ride all around the neighborhood on our unicycles.     By Ashley

My Challenge

I have always had a love for dolphins. Ever since my parents got me that dolphin towel from Mexico, I have had a fascination about them. But it all seriously changed when I found out what was happening in Taiji, Japan.
One cold, winter night, my mom thought we should watch a movie, so she put in a good looking movie called “The Cove”.  I thought I would enjoy it, so I got warm next to the fire and got ready to see the movie.  It would change my life forever.  The whole documentary was all about what was going on in Taiji, Japan.  Japanese fish year round and would cave in the dolphins found in the river, researchers from around the world would then pick out the good looking dolphins, and separate them from their families.  While for the others not chosen, it would be a horrible doom to their fate, those poor animals would sadly get slaughtered, and sold for fish food.
After crying on my mom’s shoulders for an hour, I felt deep in my heart I had to do something to stop it. Luckily, at the end of the movie, the biologists that tried to save them, offered some websites for anyone to view.  The next morning I went to the websites;  not only did I find great information about the research, but I found I could donate money to different causes to help save the dolphins.  Unfortunately, my mom didn’t let me, but that didn’t stop me.
After some hard thinking, and liking several differant pages on Facebook, I quickly decided I would make my profile picture telling everyone about what was happening and what they can do about it.  Two hours later, I even put some letters into some of my neighbors’ mailboxes telling them how they can help. I soon felt great about what I had accomplished.    By Alex

My Challenge

            I’ve lived in Manassas for most of my life. I’ve become best friends with many people, and when I found out that it was time to move I was both crushed and excited. I was born in Manassas, and loved the little house that we lived in. It wasn’t too big or too small and the backyard had a pool. It was perfect for a kid like me. I went to school when I was five and became friends with some of my classmates. As I got older and went up from kindergarten to fourth grade, we became like sisters. Then my dad broke the news. We were moving into a big house with my sister and her family. I was so excited that I was going to be moving with my sister’s family, but then I thought about moving away from my best friends. It was going to be hard to be away from them and not be able to see them for a while. The last day of fourth grade was the day I decided to tell them. It seems stupid now, but we cried and hugged each other for awhile, and then the bell rang for dismissal.
After summer was over, it was time for fifth grade. A new house, new family, and a new school. I couldn’t sleep the night before the first day. I was nervous  and didn’t know what they would think of me. “Ring, Ring, Ring,” my alarm clock rang at 7:15. It was time for fifth grade. When I was at the bus stop, it was only me and my niece. As we boarded the bus, all I heard were kids talking about what they did over the summer and how much they missed each other. If I hadn’t moved, I would be doing the same thing. When I got to school finding my classroom was the hard part. Once I got there, I felt that awkward feeling, like all eyes are on you. I took my seat and didn’t say a word until someone asked me my name. I stumbled on the first letter, then found the confidence to just spit it out. We learned every one's name. Turned out I was the only one they didn’t know. But as the days went by, I began to fit in more. I didn’t want to admit it to myself, but it turned out that I liked this new school, and it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.   By Jasmine

My Challenge

         I first went snowboarding when I was ten years old. From seeing all the pros do it on T.V.,I thought it would be easy. When i arrived there with my cousin K, and my Mom I threw on my clothes as fast as I could. K and I ran to the building where you get equipment. After we got our snowboards and learned how to put them on  we went out to the hills. We didn’t realize that they were so big. When we got out there I couldn’t see where the ski lift ended. “Good thing there’s a smaller slope,” I thought to myself.

         I thought I could just stay on the bunny slope the whole time but after ten minutes K said that we should go on the bigger hills. I was shocked by what came out of his mouth because we were both new to snowboarding. I thought he would be just as scared as I was. I told him I wanted to go down the bunny slopes a few more times before I went up. “OK, but hurry up,” he answered. After another ten minutes he asked again. I didn’t think I had a choice but to say yes.  It felt like the longest ride ever going up the ski lift. Going higher and higher, and I knew I would have to go down the hill. When they gave us instructions one of them was no turning back. Right at about the highest point the ski lift stopped in mid air, I was terrified. “Oh no!” I thought to myself. “It’s broken and there’s no way down!” But as soon as it stopped it started up again and we were almost there.

         When I got off, K went straight for the hill leaving me behind. I was frozen, literally, I couldn’t move. It might have had something to do with the freezing cold weather, but mostly me being terrified of going down the hill. I was about to go down when someone else ran into me sending me soaring down the hill. It was amazing, exhilarating even! It felt as if i was flying passing everyone. At one point I saw K with his head completely in the snow. When i got to the bottom it took another ten minutes for K to get down. It turns out that I'm an excellent snowboarder.  
By Jed


Summer, Summer
It is almost here
Summer, Summer
And is drawing near

Summer, Summer
like the sun ready to rise
Summer, Summer
I feel the warmth on my thighs

Summer, Summer
It is almost here
Summer, Summer
And is drawing near

Summer, Summer
I can no longer wait
Summer, Summer
No time to waste

Summer, Summer
It is almost here
And is drawing near

Summer, Summer
Soon school will be done
Summer, Summer
And worries anon

Summer, Summer
It is almost here
Summer, Summer
And is drawing near
 By Nathan

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Trapped Inside Myself

Sometimes I feel as if my brain and thoughts are like a hamster running and spinning on his wheel. Spinning and spinning all day long. You can't stop it, it's a drug that we can't stop. We can't not think, it's impossible but we have to. It's uncontrollable. You just sit there, silently drowning in thoughts. Piling on top of one another like ungraded tests on a teachers desk. I've even heard that some people think, and think, and think, then go back to what they were thinking about first. Thinking and thinking and thinking. Wondering about the impossible, pondering the unbearable. Slowing silently drowning in what no one else will ever know about.  
By Jocelyn

What We Do

       Bullets filled the air around a squad of U.S. Marines sent to capture a lead on the whereabouts of a terrorist camp. “Get down Jonson,” yelled the captain. “They have us pinned down,” yelled pvt. Jonson. “We fight until we can’t fight any more,” yelled Sgt. Smith. “These Taliban won’t take us today!”  The Squad pressed forward as a bullet hit pvt. McGregor in the upper arm.  “Are you ok!” “Ya, keep going, I’m not dead yet!” The squad pressed on, without fear, without worry.  They fought their way up the hill in a patriotic state of mind, not thinking of anything else but the mission ahead of them. “Keep fighting,” yelled the captain, but his voice was drowned out by the rain of bullets, like a nest of bees flying around the squad.
        The soldiers fought up the hill for what seemed like years. After the marines got to the top of the hill they regrouped and assessed the situation. “Man, I thought we would never get up that hill,” grunted the private. “Well we did,” said another. “Do you want a cookie?” asked the captain, “We aint done yet!” Sweep the area, make sure there are none left!. The team split up to search for more when out of nowhere a bloodcurdling yell split the night. “Sergeant,” yelled the captain. He rushed over to see a Taliban holding the seargent hostage. Private quickly freed Sgt Smith. “Thanks!” said the sergeant. “Don’t thank me, it’s what we do!”    By Ross

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Beautiful Spring time

Fun in the sun with my friends

Cant wait till school ends

By Jacob

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I walked out on the roughly cut field, feeling the cold chill and rain hitting my face rapidly against my face. The clouds were as dark as the pavement in the parking lot. Eyes furiously staring at me on the line of scrimmage. So quiet, you could hear a pin drop. The sound was loud to my ears. “HUT!” The thunder of shoulder pads hitting and helmets smearing against each other roared the field. Mud soaring in the air as I am running after the ball carrier. Once I am at full speed down the field, all I can see are the numbers on the
jersey. The I jump into the end zone, dirt dispersed over my sweaty face. The ref looks closely and he raises his hands fiercely. You leave the rest to be said with the roar of the crowd.

Down by two touchdowns, we had to cooperate. The ball flew as high as a bird when it was kicked. Feet hit the field strongly as we approached the line. Seconds ticking away in a blink of an eye. We hiked the ball and it was secluded from the quarterback’s hand. Hearts skipped a beat and breathing could only be heard from the receiver. His hands clapped brutally. The ref's whistle blatantly blew as loud as a plane engine. The game was over; we had lost. From my own perspective, our spirit had won.    By Bobby H

A Day a life- living in Indonesia

It was just another sunny day in Indonesia as I stepped out of my house, and let the summer breeze blow my hair back. I smiled and walked forward with my heavy backpack pulling me down, I was headed to school. They required us to were these dumb uniforms that we all hated so much; I tugged at my skirt and kept walking. I met up with my friend, Asoka, we walked together and talked about the usual. Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Kemala, and my friend and I live in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. We both go to a school for music prodigies- I play the violin and Asoka plays the cello. We both had gotten scholarships to the school and became best friends when we met.
We finally got to school were we parted ways and headed to class. After school we walked back home and said our goodbye’s. Tonight we had to practice because of a concert later that night, I was nervous and was really hoping not to mess up. “Selamat sore nenek!” ( Good evening grandma!) I waved to my Grandmother who was working in garden, as I crossed the stone path to my porch. After practicing for a while I met up with Asoka again and we left for the concert. Iin the end we did a splendid job with the concert! We had a sleep over that night and that had been the end to another great day.     By Zeidi

Poem written during a writers' workshop w "The Loud Poet" who visited school.


Last Saturday, we had shot a gun
But then we had to run
Because the Policeman’s son
had liked us well done
so he put us between a bun
After he was done
he weighed a ton! 
By Bobby H

The Devil's Beast - Part III


 "Sir? Sir? Are you ok?” a voice said in my head. Someone get me a bucket of water, so I can toss it on him. Who’s there? Oh good finally the lad is coming to his senses. For a brief few minutes all I hear is a bunch of people talking to me. Once it hit around eleven O'clock, I woke up. And when I did I was in someone's bedroom. I was a bit disoriented when I woke up but I could still hear voice's from downstairs. Even though I could barely stand, my will power was the only thing that was keeping me to standing.

It took me a few seconds to reach the stairway and I had to hold on to the railing while I was trying to walk downstairs. By the time I made it off the stairs, there was a group of people looking at me. Just about all of the people there where wearing military uniforms. At first I was afraid that they might be terrorists but I was wrong when I saw there uniforms. The first guy that came up and spoke to me was British. I could easily tell from his accent. But he was also wearing a military uniform. The first thing I did was ask him a question when he came up to me. “Where am I and where's my wife?” You are safe my friend, he said it as if it wasn't a safe place to be at all. “But still where's my wife and where am I at." Like I said you’re at a safe place but your wife on the other gone. I felt almost yet paralyzed once again but that military guy managed to calm me down. It took me a good 30 minutes before I truly realized that she was gone. After that thought ran through my head I started to cry. That took another ten to twenty minutes before everyone in the room started to calm me down. Once I finished crying another soldier came up to me to tell me what is going on."Ok. Do you want to know what happened to your wife?" Of course I said yes. “Are you sure that you want to know what attacked your wife?"

What do you mean? What do you mean by what attacked my wife I thought somebody attacked her?    By Stefan

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


             I was lying on the ground, awed and hurt.
    I once saw green leaves, a blue sky, and a yellow sun.
    But now, I am lost within myself, full of conflict and thought.
 I now see other lost family members, and relatives that I never knew.
    I see the white light shining brighter and growing in size. 
I am parting this world, for till a time now one can say; eternity.
    I have become blind now, with the white light.
 But my vision has cleared and everything starts to reveal itself to my awaking eyes.
I can see the green leaves, and the blue sky, and the yellow sun.
 I have been spared.     By Kyle


             I am nothing without my imagination. Sometimes the only way for me to escape the troubles of life is to immerse myself in my imagination. At times I which I could lock myself in and hide in it for eternity. On other occasions it is my gift that God gave me.
Through it I can create entire worlds based on tiny details or elaborate original stories to make a complete timeline. I can walk amongst galaxies sit beside stars or even have the pleasure of flight. I can be more than myself if I want to or I could be as insignificant as an ant.
With it I can write of my lands I created and describe each detail vast and contained. I can figure problems or recite revolutionary ideas that could change the course of history. However great or small, I can think it but I can also think of destruction and corruption.
From this I obtain peace, wisdom, intuition, and a new understanding of God. Maybe you might use your imagination too.     By Nathan

One Way Forward

     Ally, Cassi, and Mike all woke up to the beautiful morning to the last day of school. The three friends have known each other since they were born, and have lived next to each other for the last 14 years. They all live in sunny, bright, Miami, Florida. They also all have one thing in common, they love mysteries and adventures. I’m not talking about books and movies; I’m talking about getting sandy and dirty. So far they have looked on the beach for treasure, and some old, unsolved mysteries around town.
There is one thing, though, that they were looking forward to the most; tlQueen Elizabeth’s old sunken ship. There was a problem though, the ship was almost 10 miles offshore, and the cost of the boat just to rent it for the day was around $400. After school, they all take their time to tell their parents about their journey. “please mom PLEASE?” Ally begged in agony when she asked her mom. “Ally, no $150 is just too much money, and it’s too dangerous to go by yourselves!”. “Mom, dad, I really want to do this, this stuff is my life!”. Mike, just stop with all this non-sense, and do something good that will give you good, hard earned money.” Yelled his parents one by one as he rumbled up to his room. “Thanks mom!” Cassi said with a big smile on her face as her mother wrote the check with ease. “Anything for my little princess!” said her mother back.
       They soon met at their spot, in front of Harry’s Fish Boats and put all the money they all possibly could to go into the boat rental. “Yes! We have just enough money to have to boat for at least 3 ½ hours.” Whispered Ally with happiness. They next day, all three of them got up at the same time, 7:00 sharp, and met at Harry’s Fish Boats at the crack of dawn. “ Well, what can I do for you little fellers?” asked Harry with a smile. “ We were wondering if we could have the smallest boat for at least three hours.” Said Ally, acting like a professional. Sure, you just have to pay the rent, that will be $359. Not making any faces, they quickly snatched the money from there backpacks and put it on the high counter top.
“All right, you guys have to money, lot 6 is your boat have fun!” said Harry as he was waving them good bye. In at least 20 minutes they reached the spot where the ship has sunk, and could even see a giant, oily looking patch that was the boat. They quickly got on some scuba gear that they stole from their parents and went in the water. Cassi stayed up top on the boat, to make sure nothing happens. Ally and Mike went deeper, and explored the ship with gentle care. Through the ship, they saw beautiful and glowing fish, and Ally jumped when she saw a 5 foot long Barracuda slither by her, giving her an evil, devious look as it swam by her. Mike nearly passed out when he saw an actual hammerhead shark 10 feet away from him. They both looked at each other and thought it was cooler and more frightening than the aquarium.
They soon got to work, bringing and carrying anything that was valuable and worth the money up to the ship with Cassi. “All right guys, our time is nearly up and the ship is full of things we need to look at, we will finish another day. As Mike and Ally crawled up and onto the boat, the boat revved up and went back to the rental shop, they were caught by the police when they entered their station, not for being terrible and lying to their parents, but for helping and saving some of the most valuable things in Florida. They were now known for being heroes and adventures. By Alex S

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


After the slumber of winter, when the cold subsides to warmth. The world awakes to the sun rising above the barren trees, then nature begins its work again. Each sunrise the trees grow greener and the days grow warmer and longer. The birds travel to their nests and the butterflies begin to flutter out of the south and make the trip back home. the trees begin to show their beauty and bring fourth their flowers.
As I observe this through my eyes I notice each day was more beautiful then the first. Even the weeds and thorn bushes look like a piece of heaven. To me the spring is the time where nature is showing its best and giving us hope for what is to come.       By Nathan   

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Summer Sun

Now summer is here,
children playing in the sun.
They run till the sun sets,
they can wait for tomorrow,
When the sun will rise.
By Dashawn

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


                  The water falls through the air,

                                         it hits the ground as loud as a snare.

                     The shape zig zags as if it was a maze,

                                 the sheet of water is basically a glaze

at the top is when it deploys

                                                 then it acts like a decoy.      By Aaron


Blown off trees in Fall
Blow away in the crisp breeze
Crunch under my feet.     By KC


From the dead of winter to the elegant beauty of spring. The cold dry air to the warm moist weather. The trees come out with leaves again as the daises reach up for the sun’s warmth. The sky seems to get brighter. Everyone seems to be in a better mood. It's our little taste of heaven. The birds are chirping, the bees come buzzing from flower to flower looking for pollen. Spring in my eyes is a beautiful thing!    by Mario

Spring Haiku

Animals are born
Pretty flowers bloom brightly
Rain showers rain down

By Tori

Mountain of Faith

Looking out into the trees and animals
Lucy saw her whole life.
For the first time she saw
just how small she was in this whole world.

Climbing them relieved her,
of her stress, her nerves
It made her realize
that everything just might be
perfectly fine.

It gave her hope and faith,
let her know that she could follow
her desires.
She didn’t know why she quit
hiking these Mountains.
But it was good that know,

          she knew to never stop.        
 By Zeidi


nature is a song
all the world an orchestra
a beautiful song    By Ross


I look up at the sky the bright shining sun glittering in the sky. The gentle breeze carries the leaves lightly across the dry grassland. The clouds move soullessly across the sky. The birds depart from there nest to the clouds. The land grows when it rains from the clouds drenching the land with life because now the land can grow. The spring brings back the life from winter all the seasons bring life in there own ways.
That is what the seasons do.    By Austin B

The Truth

Not many people know the true meaning of spring.
Most think that April showers bring May flowers.
Not everywhere in the world has that chance for flowers.
Every time I get up from sleeping, I look out the window and see bright colorful flowers.
Each flower is different, and stands out more than the other flowers.
The truth about spring is that its not about the Easter Bunny or going to the beach on spring break.
Spring is the true meaning of life in trees, and the ground.
Most do not notice the beauty of spring.
The Truth is, Spring is beautiful.   By Bobby


As we paint colors on the walls of what we know, the colors underneath are covered up but never disappear. They leave their mark just like we do whether we know it or not. We as people are just like these colors because we are always changing and are never the same. So the mark that you leave matters.   By Matthew  

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Roses and Sugar

When the roses grow, the petals bloom,
A whiff of sweet sugar flows.
Covering the field, they fall down and roll in the sugar of sweet aroma,
The wind taking the smell, of feeling all so fresh, afar.
As the sugar falls, it acts as a seed blooming into a rose,
With a glistening coat of sweet sugar, bringing a whiff of happiness.
As the roses grow, so do the petals.
When the wind blows the sweet; sugar flies to me, picking a rose for the one I love.
By Kyle

A Barren Place - Creative Writing - Science Fiction

    In a barren, dry place lives an alien named
Julia. She lives in the town of Nardor. She was
coming home from getting a laser shooter for her
brother. Her town in the tunnels was going to war
with the town of Dorf. This town was always in
war. Their leader wants to control the whole
world of tunnels.
   Once Julia made it to her floating home, she
wanted to give her brother the present. This was
not just any laser shooter; it is the new Laser
Shooter 5000. This gun shoots many different
kinds of lasers. These many lasers were different
colors and were made for the other types of aliens
that lived in the world of tunnels. There was
even one for Nardor aliens. This weapon is the
best and will help him fight in the war.
     Now, many of the towns were at war. The towns
of Nardor, Flipen, Tiner, and other smaller towns
were fighting against the town of Dorf. Julia’s
brother was very skilled fighter. He also had a
Laser Shooter 5000 that could kill all different
types of aliens. With his skills and the weapon
he was appointed to a General. He is a General for
Nardor Army.
     The fighting went on for many weeks. The war
was very destructive. The Nardors, Flipens, the
Tiners and other towns finally defeated the Dorfs.
The winners were rejoicing. While they were celebrating
their victory, they heard a strange noise coming from the ceiling
of the tunnel. They used their weapons to blow a
hole in the ceiling. Once they did that, they
were able to find out what the noise was.
They saw many creatures getting out of their
UFO. The aliens would now have to join together
to make sure their planet was safe from these
creatures. Would their weapons work against these
strange creatures??    By K.

When I Open A Book

When I open a book full of thoughts and reason, I listen to each word
and ponder their meanings. The words combine to form one thought.
Each thought then pours out and forms a collective consciousness.
Which hides wisdom in each of its parts.
But to learn this wisdom you must open the book. By Nathan

Friday, April 15, 2011


It was a long, hot,day in August and the first Auburn football practice; everyone was nervous. We just found out that we were having cuts from the team. Everyone was trying their hardest, but Coach P said 20 guys would have to be cut. As 8th graders we had to show the new players some of the drills. It was almost the end of practice and this first week was the fastest week of my life.
It was the third week of football when Coach said he needed me to play the defensive side of the line because he had no one else. I didn't know how to play that spot.  Not wanting to let my team down, I  still hesitated.  I was the smallest guy to play on the line. But my team-mate,  told me the key to playing on the line was to go hard and low.I had a fun time playing on the line this year and trying new because I knew it would help the team. Sadly, we didn’t have a winning season, but we learned a lot from our losses. That is how I had to cooperate with someone else.   By Dashawn

A Five Yearl Olds Day - memories poem

I wake up and say good morning to my sister Sandy.
I eat breakfast which is very handy and we go outside and play with a ball.
When we get tired then we fall.
After lunch I ride my ride my bike, and some times I take a hike.
My parent make me take a nap.
Sometime I cry and cry then fall asleep on my mommies lap.
When I wake up it's snack time yum, yum.
 I then go over to see my friend Jacob.
We usually get in trouble for playing in his sisters makeup.
I come home and it's time for dinner, after dinner I take a bath.
I play with toys that make me laugh.
When I get out it's time for bed, my mommy lays with me and kisses my head.  
When she leaves my room she says good night,
I love you honey,
sleep tight.   By Partick H

The Truth -

Part One: Beginnings

    There are things humans don’t quite understand. One of those things is the origins of angels and demons. Humans have thought that demons were evil due to the forms that they take. They have always trusted angels because of there humanistic appearance. Now they see the truth.

    A long time ago humans were the only highly intelligent life on earth. Then angels appeared. They tricked the humans into trusting them, saying they were sent by the one true god. Then as demons appeared they told the humans that these were entities of the devil. Most believed them. Demons quickly went into hiding. For years development in science and technology came close to stopping. One of the few scientists left, accidentally discovered the hiding place of some demons.

    The demons didn’t attack him. They got him to listen to the story of where angels and demons come from. What they were before they are unsure of. What they do know is both come from the same beginning. They both were created at the same, but the angels were greedy and power hungry. They forced the demons to take hideous forms while they themselves took what they thought to be purer forms.

    With this knowledge the Scientist began to create a resistance to fight the angels and help the demons. This is the story of that resistance. I am that scientist. We will take back human rule of the earth. We will show humans the true light.     By Jake H

Risk Taking - quick intro prewrite

      When I was at my uncle’s wedding my family and I were swimming in the hotel pool. I was sitting on the ladder with my life vest. As I was kicking my legs in the water I thought what would happen if I took off my life vest? I slid into the pool just as my life jacket slipped off and I remember opening my eyes and trying to punch my mom’s leg so she could help me. She was frantic because she couldn't find me. My cousin Tracie noticed me and dove into the pool, and saved the day.  By Kimberly